
Queen of Apostles opened in September 1964, under the direction of Father Elwood Geary, Pastor of Queen of Apostles Church. The school was staffed by the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary until 1972 when a Sister of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was appointed principal. In 1976, lay administration was appointed for the school.
In 1985, the Marianist Community took over pastoral care and administration of the parish. Father Jim Mifsud, Pastor from 1998-2008, provided both spiritual inspiration and financial support for Queen of Apostles School. When the Marianist community left Queen of Apostles Parish, Bishop Patrick McGrath appointed Father Michael Carson as Pastor. The school and parish were under Father Mike’s capable leadership from 2007-2013. Father Mike was joined by Father Noel Sanvicente, as parochial vicar, and Deacon Brian McKenna. Fr. Noel was moved to another parish in the summer of 2011 and newly ordained Fr. Angelo David became the parochial vicar. The parish and school also benefited from having a seminarian in residence from 2009-2011. Father Thuc Si Ho was appointed Pastor in July 2013. Fr. Thuc's energy and spiritual leadership help guide the school. Reverend Reynaldo Sarmiento was appointed parochial vicar in July 2014.
In the fall of 1999, a new community center including a gymnasium was built. The gymnasium is used for PE, after school sports, assemblies, and social activities. The school and the parish community share the community center. The most recent program addition to the school occurred in the summer of 2012 with a preschool that caters to 3 and 4 year old students.